Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dec 1 - 41 weeks

I'm here again ;-)! And still no baby? I've been walking like mad and have completed 2 out of a 3 acupuncture sessions. He's getting lower and I think maybe I'm experiencing minor symptoms of the very beginning stages of my body prepping for labor, but I'm not really sure? I still feel pretty good, but at this point I'm definitely getting BIG. I've felt wonderful all along and I still do, but I just know he still needs to take the exit journey so I just don't want him getting too big ;-)! I've been trying VERY hard not to become anxious ridden about his tardiness, but it is strangely difficult. As a pregnant person I've been anticipating this "DUE DATE" for some time. Now the date has come and gone and people all over the place are asking and expecting that surely I have had the baby by now, but no, I have not. Also, this perfect home birth that I have dreamt about will become 'in danger' in another weeks time. That scares me too so there is a bit of anxiety by the nature of an overdue pregnancy. I will say, I've done a lot of research and until 15 or so years ago, there was never a big deal made about overdue pregnancies. Ultimately I must believe in my body and the baby and that he will arrive in his own perfect timing.

Tomorrow is a big day. Start out with a midday appointment with our midwife where she is going to be talking to us about how to "speed things along" with her midwifery skills ... dont know what these are yet, will keep you posted. Then we have to go for an ultrasound. I'm scared to go for the ultrasound because I fear the doctor will simply try to scare me, but I know there is no inherent danger for being overdue. Then I will have my 3rd acupuncture session.

Okay, breathe, stay calm and RELAX. He'll be here eventually ...

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